Tuesday 18 August 2009

What, Who Where, When, Why

This is my aim that within a year, I will perform 1001 random acts of kindness, which will range from the littlest things to hopefully the huge life-changing experiences that will revolutionise the life of myself and others around me! 1001 averages to just under three acts of kindness a day, which shouldn't be too difficult.

I am a 19 year-old, currently studying at a university, who just wants to make a difference to the world she lives in because she is fed up with seeing the devastation, pain and inhumanity spread across the papers and on the news channels on a daily basis.

I am blogging this for two main reasons:
Firstly, I am hoping that by blogging all of this that I will be held accountable for my actions and won't give up halfway through the challenge!
Secondly, I want to inspire other people to do a similar kind of thing, just so that love can be spread across the world.

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